Feeding Therapy

“Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.”

Make family mealtimes enjoyable again.

A child with feeding issues can disrupt the whole family’s mealtime. Preparing special meals, constantly worrying if your child is eating enough, or concern they are not getting the right nutrients can take a toll on parents and caregivers. I use a family-centered and child-led approach to teach you how to get your child back on track, and how to enjoy family meals again. Whether your child is just a “picky eater”, or has a diagnosed feeding disorder, I am here to help.

Experience where it matters.

I have almost 20 years of clinical experience, treating infants through teens, and worked with children with common and uncommon problems such as food allergies/sensitivities, autism, EOE, reflux, genetic syndromes, and feeding tubes. It all starts with a comprehensive evaluation to determine why your child is having difficulties eating. We will then design a treatment plan based on current research and best-practice recommendations. I follow a child-led approach, to make sure your child enjoys eating, and is making progress at their own pace.

Young girl eating

“We worked with Dr. Beth early in our son’s Autism diagnosis. His sensory issues created many limits in his diet. Thanks to Beth  and her creativity and dedication our son has expanded his diet. No longer are we limited to noodles, chicken nuggets and green apples. At 14 years-old he eats non stop like many other teenage boys.”

How Do I Know When It’s Time to Get Help?

Child has poor weight gain/is considered “failure to thrive”

Child is eating less than 20 foods

Child is not meeting milestones (transition to purees/solids by 6 months, solid foods by 12 months)

Prolonged use of bottles (past 15 months)

Child has diagnosed condition affecting their eating (allergies, autism, reflux, genetic syndrome, etc.)

You are concerned about the way your child eats or chews

I offer free 15-minute phone consultations to share my approach and philosophy, and to see if my services may be able to help you.

Contact Me Today

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(585) 451-7751

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