My Services

Breastfeeding Support
In-person and virtual sessions offered to assess problems with breastfeeding. I have specialized training in assessment and treatment for tongue and lip ties. I can help you assess your baby’s latch, provide tips for pumping, and work with you to help build your milk supply. I can provide in-home newborn assessments and lactation support for babies that were born at home.

Feeding Therapy
Is your child having difficulties with mealtimes? No problem! I will assess for possible underlying medical issues, suggest appropriate referrals, and work together to get your child on a path to better eating. I can work with children with feeding tubes to increase their oral consumption, decrease oral aversion, and teach oral motor and chewing skills. I am trained in the SOS approach to feeding and follow a child-led approach to make sure all of our therapy sessions are FUN and educational.

Family Mealtime Coaching
Do you have a picky eater? Do you feel like mealtimes are a battle? Are you a short-order cook, making several different meals each night? I offer in-home coaching to families to provide guidance and assistance, and show you a better way. We will cook together, with your child, in the comfort of your home. I will teach you time-tested, and kid-approved strategies to expand the number of foods your child eats, and get them on the path to better nutrition. I also help coach parents with the myriad of questions related to solid food introduction, and feeding development during the first two years of life.
What I Specialize in:
Lip and Tongue tie- assessment and treatment (infants and older children)
Pediatric Feeding Disorders (resulting from illness, injury, or developmental delay)
Autism Spectrum Disorders and selective eating
Weaning from feeding tubes
Food allergies and EOE
Oral motor delays and not meeting feeding milestones
Other Areas Addressed:
Early Intervention
Language Disorder (receptive and expressive)
Pragmatic Communication Difficulties
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Insurance Covers Most Services
I offer free 15-minute phone consultations to share my approach and philosophy, and to see if my services may be able to help you.
Contact Me Today